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Holiday client gifts

Holiday client gifts

An annual highlight of my time at Monigle: putting my head together with other creatives to come up with an appropriately epic client gift for the end of the year.


  • No-holds-barred ideation

  • Copywriting

  • A bit of singing (no, really)


year one: the monigle BRAND ORACLE

Mid-brainstorm, I posed a question: “What if there was a Magic 8-Ball for branding?”

Despite its potential to make us all obsolete, we dubbed it the Brand Oracle and set about creating answers ranging from “Make the logo bigger” to “Indubitably”. I also wrote an accompanying set of tarot-inspired cards. The first contained instructions for how to awaken the Oracle (with a hearty shake) and a sampling of the burning questions they might need answered: “Does our logo need a refresh? Should I cut bangs?” The second wished them an extremely fortunate year, with room for the client’s project team to add their own holiday greetings.

I’ve no doubt these orange orbs were invaluable—or, failing that, at least mildly amusing—to our clients. They haven’t resulted in any reduction in calls to us with branding questions, however… I’ll have to inquire with the Oracle about that.


Year two: “10 months of work from home” (parody song)

Things were a little different this year. We still wanted to create a special holiday experience for our clients, but it needed to be digital and mindful of the ongoing rupture to our reality… while not totally bumming everyone out even more.

So I wrote a tune for these strange times, taking liberties with the thankfully-public-use “12 Days of Christmas”, and cast countless colleagues in 5-second moments of fame. At the end, we had an imperfectly charming little ditty that brightened client inboxes across the nation. The lyrics are below, but if you want to see one of our executives pour coffee on his face, you should probably watch the video.

(Ready to sing along?)

It’s been ten months of work-from-home 
And we are proud to say 
We’re doing mostly OK 

It’s been ten months of work-from-home 
And time’s lost all meaning 
Days blend together 
We miss our clients 
And office banter 
Dang, I even kinda miss commuting...

It’s been ten years of work-from-home
At least that’s how it seems...
"Man, I miss the office.” 
"Hey, you’re on mute...” 
"You go ahead!”
“What’s that behind you?” 
"Can you see my screen?!” 
“What day even is it?”  
“Did you get a haircut?” 
“Oops, there’s an echo...” 
"Please be quiet, I’m on a call!” 

I don’t remember work-from-work...
Now my days are just...

Twelve frozen faces 
Eleven furry bosses 
Ten mini dance breaks 
Nine laptop crashes 
Eight minutes over 
Seven wishful backgrounds 
Six snacks an hour 
Five brands launching 
Four new coworkers 
Three dead desk plants 
Too much caffeine 
And some technical difficultieeeees 

From our homes to yours, happy holidays.


have a few more minutes? I have a few more projects.